Saturday, February 15, 2014

Special Valentine's Day......

Wow what a week last week was  with temps in the -30.  So glad it is behind us and now we deal with the wind and ice. But oh the temps in the 40's are nice. That rhymes.....Valentines Day was a pleasant reminder of how I am surrounded by special family and friends. Starting with an early morning visit from a friend with a beautiful Valentines card and well wishes for a special day. From neighbors helping me with a plumbing problem, to Chinese take out brought all the way from Billings and shared with an awesome family, and roses delivered in person to my door by a special young couple from here in Lavina, who we have watched grow up. Also a girl friend going out of her way to stop by the house and give be a strong hug and a special Valentine wish and letting me know she has been thinking of me.  And to top off the day a bear hug from my Kit-Mister and long phone calls from Miranda and Heather. It was a day I can say I was not looking forward to but as I crawled in to bed and as sleep came I ended my day with a smile and a realization of how blessed I am.  Thank You so much everyone.......... 


  1. So good to hear about the day, and the many close hands, arms and hearts open to you. We've got our airfares sorted out for Kit's graduation week. I'll send you dates soon. We love you Montana Ainslie's so dearly,
    Brother Scott.

  2. I have been thinking about you as you have all been on my heart lately. Know that thoughts of you are never far off and that I send you my hugs from a distance since I am not near enough to give you one in person. You have been so blessed by your friends and family because you have been such an extreme blessing to them/us. Sending my love... Tammy
