Spring may be here, and there are some harbringers of Spring in the Mountains, but we have a ways to go. While the Sandhill Cranes are calling here and the Geese are back ( I heard my fist Robins calling tonight), the snow at the cabin is still 3 to 5 feet deep, the few bare spots are greening up though. Gus and I slipped away for a couple nights in the Mountains, I loaded the toboggan with bedroll, some rations to restock the cabin for Spring, and a cooler with Deer steaks to throw on the grill. We got there just before dark and sledded our gear in. I was able to skid the toboggan right over the top of the yard fence without scratching the bottom on the top wire, and level onto the front porch!.
The snow was soft in the eveningand my good freind Augustus had a helluva time with my help getting to the cabin, once there we ate supper by the wood cookstove and he promptly fell asleep! He kind of spreads out like pancake batter when he sleeps now, give him a break, he's about 100 in Weimaraner years!
Come morning after the snow stiffened up overnight, we took a little walk around the place and did a wildlife track survey to see who was around. A few brave Gophers had tunneled up through 4 feet of snow and were checking it out. We saw our first Bluebird, cleaned out the nest boxes,and listened to the Coyotes howling, they are denning now and very territorial.
I ran out of propane so sledded the tank out to the pickup, we don't need propane at the cabin it is just a luxury, so we did without and just used gas lanterns and wood cookstove to cook. I spent a little time tearing out a derelict pole fence that I'd been wanting to clear out, but will have to wait for the ground to thaw before pulling posts, and working on new fence repair projects.
sounds like a great day. Pat the pancake dog for me.